Cashroom’s Winter Wellbeing Tips for a Brighter Workday

As we return to work after the festive period and winter settles in, bringing with it colder temperatures and shorter days, many of us find ourselves feeling a little bogged down. ‘Blue Monday’ typically falls on the third Monday of January and is considered to be the most depressing day of the year, the day most of us begin to give up on our new year’s resolutions and the reality of being back in work, the dark nights, rain and cold, starts to really get to us. The winter months can really impact our wellbeing, however, with a proactive approach and some thoughtful strategies we can cultivate a positive and fulfilling work environment, even in winter months.  

Here is some of our top tips for maintaining your wellbeing and combating the winter blues.  

  • Prioritise Self Care  

It’s important to dedicate time for relaxation to manage your stress levels effectively. Embrace a self-care routine to nurture your physical and mental health. Ensure to get enough sleep, maintain a balanced diet and engage in activities that you love. A lunchtime walk in the park or time to read your favourite book, or just 5 minutes of deep breathing and relaxing can make a huge difference.  

  • Let there be Light  

Combat the winter gloom by maximising exposure to natural light. Position your workspace near windows and take breaks outdoors when possible. Exposure to more natural light helps us to regulate our circadian rhythm, helping boost our mood and energy levels. 

  • Stay Active 

Regular exercise is a powerful tool for maintaining wellbeing. Even during winter, find ways to stay active. Whether its a brisk walk during lunch, home workouts or joining a fitness class, keeping your body moving can really help boost your mood, physical and mental wellbeing.  

  • Create a Cozy Workspace  

Make sure your workspace is comfortable for you. Add warm lighting, make sure your seat is comfortable and supportive. You can also personalise your workspace with items that bring you comfort, for example a family picture. A cozy atmosphere can make a significant difference in your motivation and increase positivity. You are more likely to feel happy and content when working in an environment that you love.  

  • Connect with Others  

Combat feelings of isolation and loneliness through social connections. Schedule virtual coffee breaks and ensure regular team meetings to maintain and build a sense of community with colleagues, creating an open work environment where you can support each other.  

  • Set (Realistic) Goals  

Make your goals manageable by breaking down your tasks and prioritise them. Setting achievable goals and objectives can help you stay motivated and reduce feelings of overwhelm, contributing to a more positive work environment and keeping your motivation and positive attitude throughout the winter months.  

  • Plan Ahead 

Whether it is a work meet up, holiday planning, night out, coffee date with a friend, make sure to plan things to look forward to. Having enjoyable events on the horizon can help lift our spirits and help with motivation throughout winter. 

 At Cashroom, we have implemented the ‘Daily Mile’ which although we do this all year round, can be particularly beneficial in winter. The Daily Mile gives our staff an additional break each day which they can take at either 11am or 3pm, whichever works best for their schedules to go and walk a mile. 

When working in the offices, we encourage our teams to do this together, or if working remotely, doing this on a call and catching up. 

We’ve added some pictures of our staff’s daily miles this week. 

As we head back to work and routine and winter settles in, it is essential to prioritise your wellbeing, implementing activities and habits that bring you positivity and warmth. Staying active, fostering connections and creating a comfortable work environment means we can better navigate the challenges of winter.  

If you have any winter wellbeing tips – share them with us on LinkedIn 

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About Cashroom

Cashroom provides expert outsourced accounting services for Law Firms including Legal Cashiering, Management Accounts and Payroll services. Our mission is to free lawyers from the complexities of legal accounting by supporting the industry with accurate management information and allowing lawyers to do what they do best – practice law.

‘The Cashroom have been an integral part of MBM from their inception. They has supported the growth of MBM from a small firm of 15 people all the way to the 70+ partners and staff now working in the firm. I have first hand experience of the wealth of skill employed within the business and the cashiering knowledge is unrivalled. The fluid ability of Cashroom to adapt to the changing requirements of a firm on a daily basis, as well as the ability to cover holiday periods seamlessly would be a benefit to any law firm. The Cashroom portal provides a first class workflow system for all cashiering requests and, more importantly, provides the level of security that email instructions do not. Cashroom provide both a cost effective fully outsourced service that can deliver almost everything that an internal finance team would be charged with, as well as a wraparound service to support an internal finance team.’ 

Stewart MacBride
Finance Director, MBM Commercial LLP
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