I’m no psychologist. So you’ll be delighted to hear that the ideas I’m about to put forward are not my own, but those of far more learned proponents of the science.

When engaging with your prospective clients, do you understand what their present state of mind is?

There are three modes that you should consider-

prospective clients OK or Even Keel – This is when your prospective clients are basically happy with their lot. It does not mean they are not a potential buyer, just that they don’t perceive an urgent need for what you’re selling. With this kind of client, it’s important to stay in communication. Keep them informed of your services and products. Make them aware of the benefits of working with you. But don’t in any way go for the hard sell. You want to be in their mind when they move into one of the other two modes.

Fear or Problem – this is often the mode in which clients of law firms find themselves. Litigation. Divorce. Bereavement. Classic reasons for needing a lawyer. At the point when your prospective client is considering your services are you thinking about their state of mind? Are you shaping your products and messages to appeal to someone who is probably stressed and worried? Are you responsive and communicative?

prospective clients Hope or Aspiration – these clients are a different challenge. Perhaps they are growing a business or trying to do deals. They have a big idea and they are buying your services as part of a strategic plan. You will need to convince them you can match their requirements and ambitions with a service that enables them to achieve their goals. Should you consider a more project based approach to deliver your services in alignment with the client’s timescales, and should that lead to a slightly different discussion around pricing?

It sounds so simple, yet so many sellers of services or products fail to put themselves in the shoes of their customer or client. What is the end goal they are trying to achieve when they consider your service? A conveyancing transaction is not how your client looks at it- for them it’s a move, against a removal deadline, into their new home. A litigation matter is not an intellectual challenge- for your client it is a stressful and unwanted expense. Your approach and manner of client handling should reflect such differences.


Alex Holt, Business Development Director

The Cashroom Ltd